Blogger Recognition Award | In Which I Fawn Over New Fave Bloggers!

Hello there allies, archenemies, and everyone in between! This is actually the first time I’ve been nominated for any blog related awards and, I feel VALIDATED. I can now feel my acne scars fading, my body is now hydrated and brimming with so much life, I feel like I could actually continue with book blogging????

I would like to thank Shri @ sunandchai for tagging me with this award! I actually saw her in Twitter and decided to read her blog content which is SO NOICE. Shri’s actually a very eloquent writer and adeptly conveys her thoughts. I love her personality in her blog posts and how unapologetic and critical she is (without bordering to hate speech or being critical for the sake of clout) My favorite post of hers is The Bastardization of Femininity In YA Media.  GO CHECK HER BLOG OUT PLS. SHE’S PRECIOUS AND DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE.


  • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How I Found Myself Falling (Loki-esque) Into The Tartarus Pit of Book Blogging

I never thought that book blogging existed. Ever. Until I found Shealea @ Shut Up Shelea in Goodreads and followed her on Twitter AND FINALLY FOUND HER BLOG. I became very active in GR last year and wanted to meet more Filipina bookworms/dragons you see. So when I found her, I was really *gasps* inspired like hell to make a book blog of mine too so I can constantly connect with people like her (also blog tours because duh?!).

It’s because of Shealea that I found other Filipino book bloggers as well that have such a strong voice and stance in the world of literature. I know this could be pretty cheesy but it’s very empowering to see a community predominated by women that has a powerful influence in the makings of a book and the reader community. That’s just utter super powers okay ???

I was dumbfounded and fascinated with the large bookish community here in my country ONLINE. (Like ohmyglob they actually exist?) I HAVE FINALLY FOUND MY PEOPLE. So there it is, my little nook of bookish fangirling came to life! Now, I try to stay in the radar of the book blogging community to gain more friends (and more books!). I’ve learned that there is a lot of intelligent and healthy discourse here (also just plain dumb drama HAHAHA) and I want to cultivate my character more from this community. It’s actually a nice and welcoming one. It also feels great that at the end of the day, when I’m idle in social media, I could actually talk to people about my passion for reading.


Some Scrap of  “Advice” For New Book Bloggers

When I started blogging, I was under a lot of immense pressure from my own preconstructed standards that I fashioned after being so fcking insecure from fellow book bloggers.

“There’s just so many book bloggers here with aesthetically pleasing web designs than mine!”

“Wow they have so many ARCs! Should I even call myself a book blogger without these?”

“Their content is sooooo amazing and original, how can I even fit here?”

Whatever insecurities you have my dear friend, is also shared by every successful book blogger in this community. So what I’m practically saying here is that, don’t let yourself be stifled from your own self deprecating trash talk. It’s valid and we all do that but don’t let it get in the way of you thriving in uncharted lands. Allow yourself to be called a beginner, embrace the awkward self-discovery, laugh at your own clunky and unpolished posts–then cultivate it at your own pace. 

Did you hear what I say? CULTIVATE AT YOUR OWN PACE. Because we all grow in different phases my dear fellow book blogger. If you don’t feel like posting or writing, then don’t! If you feel like jumping on the hype train every now and then, then feel free to do so guilt free! It’s your blog. Your choices. Your hobby. Your passion. So do it in your own style. At your own pace.

Basically, I’m telling you to just wing it and fck the rest. Truly not a VERY specific advice but this works fine for me, I hope it resonates with you as well.

The 15 Amazing Book Bloggers That Needs All The Recognition

These book bloggers deserves all the love in the world. Make sure to follow them!

These book bloggers had inspired me to continuously grow in the community and also just made me laugh with their content! They’re one of the most amazing people in the community (some don’t even know me though, I just love their blog HAHAH)

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22 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award | In Which I Fawn Over New Fave Bloggers!

  1. Thank you much for tagging me!

    It is honestly such an honor to have even been considered for this. I have only just begun my journey and I am glad that I have been able to immerse myself within this community.

    You are actually one of the bloggers that inspire me to keep creating content and to not be afraid to put myself out there.

    All the love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww this is sooo sweet! Congratulations on your first blogging award ever SO HAPPY FOR YOU. I’ve been MIA on my blog for weeks but I refuse to cave in and announce a hiatus so you can say my blogging life is a dumpster fire right now but this post really made me so happy. I’m glad you found your place in this community. I’m so happy that there are A LOT of book bloggers from PH. Couldn’t believe it at first but it’s amazing that there are many of us in this community.

    You have a very adorable blog, Divine! Thank you for appreciating my content. I hope I made you laugh once or twice. Keep spreading bookdragon fire! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YEEESSS THANK YOUUU. I follow you on Twitter and you’ve always tweeted relatable content XD My favorite post of yours is probably about book dragons because it made more sense than book “worms” (also hmmm bookwyrms have a nice ring to it as well ahhahaha) Thank YOU so much for being part of this community, you have such a distinct voice in your blog!

      I hope that whatever’s happening in your life right now Rain, you could handle it w/ all your strength and dragon fire!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow thank you! Glad you’ve found a place in this community of book lovers too. I’ve only had my blog for about a year and a half but I absolutely love the community I found here. I’m looking forward to reading more of your reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This was lovely to read– it is so nice that you found the book community online and felt empowered. That is amazing and I am so glad they did that for you. And your advice is amazing– I completely agree we all grow at our own pace. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Heyyy Divine! Thank you so much for tagging me! (I don’t know what to do with this kind of tag and post… xD)

    It means a lot to me that you tagged Novel Notions! :’)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OHMYGAAAHDDDDDDD HIIII I’M A SUPERRR FAN OF YOURS PETRIK. I WORSHIP YOUR REVIEWS. *sobs* It’s actually okay with me if you wouldn’t do this post hahahah so you don’t have to worry! You’re one of the most influential high fantasy reader and reviewer I follow in Goodreads and it’s thanks to you that I want to read more epic fantasies adaksjdksjdskjd Novel Notions deserve all the love in the book community!


  6. I did a double-take when I received a pingback for this. I AM SPEECHLESS, DIVINE. Thank you so, so much because I never expect to be nominated (or even considered) for these type of things. Whenever I think I’m not worthy to be in our community (and trust me, I think that a lot), it’s absolutely heartwarming to read this post again. The advice you gave was really helpful as well, especially since blog statistic and numbers can be a bit of a downer most of the time. Again, thank you so much for nominating me. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome Luxe!!! I have to thank you and the PH book community for inspiring me, you deserve the recognition! You’ve put so much love in your blog that’s why I nominated you and, yes stats are quite addictive and could be pretty discouraging. :< You're welcome once again, and keep doing what you love hihiii

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  7. Thank you so much for tagging me! I’m glad you found a great community of bloggers (and esp. Filipino bloggers!!!). This post was really heartwarming to read and I hope you continue to have a lot of fun in the community!

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